Friday, December 30, 2011

The start of something new...

Year after year I have admired those who have been brave enough to write letters for the world read. I have been envious of their ability to place thoughts, feelings, beliefs and ideas all in black and white. Each word flowing onto the screen about life experiences, struggles, dreams, bucket lists, loss and success just as if it were a converssation being had sitting across from a best friend while enjoying a cup of coffee. It has been intriguing and intimidating but always something I wished I was brave enough to do.
Today is the day I decided to be brave.
Today, is the day that I take my first steps at making the dreams and adventures I always "talk" about having become reality.
Please bare with me in my first attempt at blogging as I sift through the cobwebs in my head to realize my dreams, chase adventure and ultimately reshape my life to continue to become the person I was always meant to be.