Saturday, March 23, 2013

Blind Belief

It is known fact that our worst critic in this life is the one we look at each day. The eyes that cast the most judging glare are the same eyes we stare into as we brush our teeth, our hair or any reflective surface as we pass judgement on ourselves to ensure we are presentable to this world.

I am no exception to this fact. I can find the error, the fault, the flaw or even the disappointment in almost anything I do. Knowing how harshly I judge my best efforts in some of my most passionate work it becomes and overwhelming feeling when someone can look past those judgement and see into your heart, can see the perfection with blind belief.

My 80 year old grandfather gave me the book presented in the photo below not because it was my birthday, Christmas or even graduation or promotion. He simply stated that he couldn't imagine me not having my own copy. This act of kindness doesn't seem out of the ordinary for a grandfather to a granddaughter unless you know that my grandfather has lost the majority of his eye sight to the harsh cruelty of aging. So why would he give a book about stunning taking stunning photography? I know when he looks at my photography he doesn't see the clarity of the pixels, the depth of the aperture, the contrast of colors or even the starkness of a breath taking black and white print. What I missed judged because I was too busy pointing out every flaw was a man seeing a talented passion with his nothing more than his heart.  Thank you for the lesson Pawpaw! xoxo

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