Friday, December 28, 2012

The magic of Christmas

Photo taken by me outside the Devon Tower in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
It has been a whirlwind holiday and similar to the years before where the month of December passed too quickly. Not to sound like a holiday Hallmark movie or an elf that works for Santa at the North Pole but it really is "the most wonderful time of the year." I can't speak for everyone but for me the glow of my Christmas tree, the holiday lights, the crisp cold air all seem to wake up my soul and reminds me to take pause to appreciate all that I have been given. It is the only time of year that you can stand in the cold fallen snow and feel the warmth surrounding you. This time of year reminds me to be inspired and to be inspiring. Being inspired comes easier to me than being inspiring. I say this because I have had a lifetime of being inspired by my family and the traditions they have created. Each year we have gathered around dining room tables, family Christmas trees and a holiday story that reminding us of the true meaning of Christmas.

Sugar Cookies - 2012
Created by:
 myself, my mother and my sister-in-law.

As far back as I can remember the Christmas holiday season started promptly after Thanksgiving with my grandmother and the tradition of making homemade sugar cookies decorated in powdered sugar icing and sprinkles. Through my child like eyes I was always amazed at the wonderland she created during this time of year. Before she would invite us over for our traditional cookie decorating she would have her house decorated as if she were Mrs. Claus. We would enter the wonderland to a six foot tree in the window of the formal living room. Their stocking were hung by the chimney and the mantle was filled with sparkling garland where the snowmen, elves, and reindeer's called home for the season. The kitchen table or otherwise known as the "cookie workshop" had a Christmas table cloth (plastic for easy clean-up) that was covered with rolling pins, cookie cutters, sprinkles and bowls of icing ready for the little grand-elves to make holiday magic.

Mom's Holiday Tree (after Santa)

The cookie decorating tradition was only the first of the holiday season. The weeks to follow were filled with shopping, holiday light looking and another favorite family tradition of decorating our family tree with my mom. My mother very similar to my grandmother could take a simple thing like decorating a Christmas tree and make it magical. As we strung the lights and hung our favorite ornaments on the tree we would sing at the top of our lungs "I believe in Santa Claus" by Dolly and Kenny. At the end, just before we would put the star on and place the tree in it's corner we would "Rock around the Christmas Tree" for one final performance. Then for the finale we would turn out all the lights and sit in the glow of our beautiful tree while sipping on egg nog.

Now that the cookies were made, the tree was trimmed and all the shopping at been done. The night that all children wait for with anticipation had arrived. It is Christmas Eve and the magic of the holiday season was far from over. In fact, Christmas Eve was always the most magical of our traditions. We would arrive at my grandparents just after dark. I can't remember the time as a child but as an adult I now know it's around 6:00 pm. We would bust through the doors with excitement as we once again entered the wonderland my grandmother created for the holidays. In the midst of the family greetings you could hear the popping of my grandfather's record player spinning out the sounds of Bing, Brenda Lee and all the Christmas classics. The evening was filled with family sharing stories of a year that had past, favorite foods, gift exchanges, family pictures, and my grandfather walking through the middle of a living room and grabbing the first girl in his path for a little spin on the imaginary dance floor. When the night was winding down because all the good little girls and boys must get to bed for Santa there was just one more thing to do before saying goodbyes. All the children young and old would gather around my grandfathers feet to hear him once again tell the story of "T'was the Night before Christmas.' In his deep voice he would tell us a story we had heard a thousand times and could probably repeat back by heart. But in these moments not a word was spoken or a movement was made. All eyes were on him as he brought us all together for our final moments of the evening and in those moments we were a family.


These images play through my head so clearly as if I were still that six year old girl experiencing it for the first time. Now that I am all grown up and have an understanding of how much effort it was for my family to create a holiday filled with strong traditions and magic inspires me each year to carry on the magic. Since I don't have little ones of my own some of the traditions are harder to keep than others. But each year I listen to Christmas music as I put up my tree and when I am done I sit in the glow with my egg nog. I am also an active elf on Christmas Eve making the wonderland come alive for one more year. Each year I try to inspire not just my family but those around me to remember the Christmas magic. You never know what kind of family, friends or life one has experienced. A smile, a hug, a cookie, a donation of a toy, a warm coat, or your time could be all the magic that is needed for someone to smile, to believe or to be inspired.
As I said earlier, being inspired at Christmas will always be easier for me than being that one that inspires. Each year my hope is that for all the effort I put into saving the traditions that I might be passing on some of the inspiration, the wonderment and even a little Christmas magic to at least one heart, one bright eyed child that still believes. To pass on what I was once given and will carry with me for the rest of my years.
Merry Christmas to ALL!
I hope that your holiday if full of love, laughter, family and friends because after all isn't that truly the magical gift of Christmas?!

Our Gifts theme this year -
"Brown Paper Packages tied up with String these are a few of my favorite things."


Thursday, December 27, 2012

A world not too busy for an act of kindness.

In a world full of busy schedules, people and the attitude of "time is money" it was a pleasant surprise to hear from my sister and her husband who are awaiting take off (delayed) in Chicago not because of weather or technical difficulty but because they airlines/crew (Southwest) held the plane to make sure a passenger didn't miss his ride home. The part that makes this story special is that it wasn't just any passenger but a fallen solider trying to return home to Oklahoma and his family. Although we would all like to think we are important enough hold planes, delay schedules and put the bottom line aside but the truth is that time is money in today's world. Knowing this it was heart warming to hear of a act of kindness, an act of honor choosen by these individuals even though many are in a hurry to get home from the holidays. ♥
Source: Pinterest (Not my photo)

The story ends just as sweet as it begun. When I spoke to my sister again she said that the Pilot gave a little speech as the crew loaded the solider and his "escort" (another solider) took a seat on the plane. He offered the escort solider the condolences on behalf of everyone on the flight and then asked everyone to stay seated when the plan landed in order to allow the solider time to deplane and return to the fallen solider. She said that it was an amazing site and feeling to know that any other time people would be bolting out of their seats, grabbing backs to stand in the aisle but not one person moved. Amazing! <3

Friday, November 30, 2012

Rounding out a month of thankful thoughts - Days 14-30

I was not as successful at writing my daily thankful thoughts; however, as I mentioned in an early post I can forgive myself and continue on this journey without being discourage to quit blogging. :)

Although the month of November brings out the list of gratitude for most people I would like to think of myself as a person who takes time each day, all year round to be appreciative of the gifts I have been given.
Even thought I didn't take time each day to write my thankful thoughts I did spend time reflecting on what meant the most to me as the moments and days past through November. One of the most impactful moments I had was during the holiday when I took a moment to appreciate how busy our lives had become with visiting family, cooking food and hang out with friends. When the days/week had come to a close I was exhausted but loved. As I closed my eyes and the month of being thankful I counted my blessing. I was blessed with great friends, lots of family that loved me and wanted to spend time with me, food on my table and money to spend. Yes, life is extremely hetic around the holidays but I would happily be accept the abundance of people, inivitations, and events to attended then to have no one knocking on my door.

I am thankful for the love I have in my life, the support I get from my friends and family and as we move into the season of giving I am thankful to be in the position to give.
It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day Fourteen: I am thankful for my "Forever Friend."

Throughout my life I always want someone by my side that would know the person I was as a young child to the person I will become before I leave this earth. When I dreamed about this idea of a "forever friend" I always assumed it would be a friend that I met early on in my school days or it would be "the love my life." When some girls young they dream of finding their Prince Charming, living in a castle and white horses. I had this idea of a "forever friend" and I guess it was my own version of a fairytale. The idea for me was less about finding my one true love, buying a big house and living happily ever after. I simply wanted someone to know who the real me was at all stages of my life.

As the days continued to pass and years started to add up I began to believe that my fairytale was destined to be unfilled. It wasn't until the year that my life, what I at the time believed to be the "perfect" life that I had spent years building was burned to ash by the single word of goodbye. The days, months and year following that devastating moment in my life I learned so much about myself, my dreams and how to count my blessings.

I never imagined that the the girl who played barbies with me on our bedroom floor, or the teenage girl that would help me do my hair and make-up before dates or even the woman that grieved with me when love was lost would was always my "forever friend."

Today, I am thankful to have discovered my fairytale ending is really not an ending at all. My sister, my "forever friend" has been by myside since the day I was born.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day Thirteen: I am thankful for my Nana

One of the things I enjoy most about the month of November is that it brings out the gratitude in everyone. Today when I was reading the various reasons that people were thankful one in particular stood out to me. It was a status update about being thankful to know how to read. In the message the writer reminded me that there are many people who don't have the privilege of reading blogs, books, notes, cards, e-mails, or even food labels.
Because of this individuals gratitude towards reading I was reminded of the person who taught me how to read my first words and instantly knew she must be my thirteenth day of gratitude.

When I was about three years old my grandmother whom we called "Nana" would take me to the park in the early mornings while my older siblings went to summer school. Our family had just moved to the Midwest so it was important for my older siblings to be prepared for the upcoming school year. Since I was only three years old the need the formal preparation was unnecessary as I would be playing on the magic rug, eating cookies and taking naps in my half day preschool class.
What amazes me about this memory is that my Nana didn't use my young age as an excuse not to prepare me for my upcoming education. In those early mornings at the park she began to teach me the tools that would help me become successful throughout my entire life. Yes, I said tools. She not only taught me to read but gave me the gift of charity by teaching me to read the book "The Giving Tree." Two "tools" I still use today and will continue to use in order to keep my life full.

Today I am thankful for my Nana. I am thankful for the her time she spent teaching us, believing in us, and most of all I am thankful for the beautiful person she was while on this earth.

Can I Quote you on that?

"I love when words are strung together so beautifully they become our favorite quotes."
~ a small city girl with big city dreams I am the Queen of Quotes! Well, at least I would like to thinks so and I do have 268 quotes pinned on my Pinterest board. Okay, so maybe I am only a Princess of quotes because I am sure are people out there that have thousands of quotes saved to their social media sites. I use social media to fulfill my desire to express everyone in quote form otherwise my home would be overtaken and that might land my on an episode of "My Strange Addictions."

My all time favorite quote:
“For if you suffer your people to be ill-educated, and their manners to be corrupted from their infancy, and then punish them for those crimes to which their first education disposed them, what else is to be concluded from this, but that you first make thieves and then punish them.”
Thomas More, Utopia

Here are a few other favorites that are more motivational versus intellectual.
Please note that all quotes are sourced from Pinterest.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Day Twelve: I am thankful for IT Support

Today was a challenging day in the world of technology. I like to think of myself as an intelligent person and that can do most things very well. I wouldn't say that I am a know it all although some might say otherwise. I lean more towards a competative spirit and drive for perfection.

Over the weekend I received new work at home equipment from my company. This morning I started my day off like any normal Monday. I logged into my old system, checked my e-mails, calendar and got to a point where I could log off for about 30 minutes to hook up the new equipment. Sadly to say I was way too optimistic for my level of IT skills. After about an hour of reading the instructions, plugging in wires, re-reading the instructions, looking at the pictures, changing the wires I finally gave in and called the local IT superhero!

So today I am thankful for a reality check and reminder that I am still not a know it all. I am also thankful to those who are a know it all when it comes to technology. Thank you for your patience and keeping me productive.

~from a state of pensiveness....

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day Ten and Eleven: I am thankful for "time outs"

Never under estimate the power of a time-out!

As children we were taught that "time outs" were a form of punishment. If we would act up, fight with our siblings, run in the house or any other childlike activity that was considered breaking a house rule we would quickly find ourselves most often in a chair in the corner of the room in "time-out." Our parents meant for this time to be time spent thinking about our actions and consequences.

Let's be truthful. As children how much quality "thinking" did we really do in those still moments that we were sentenced to the corner chair? I think it is a fair guess that most of us would answer minimal. If my memory serves me correctly I am pretty sure I was bored or I was already thinking about what kind of trouble I could get into once I was out of time out.

Now that I am older and getting into a different kind of ruckus I am very thankful to be able to call time-out on myself. I now appreciate the corner chair, the down time and the time to think about actions and consequences. My mother would be so proud.

~from a state of pensiveness....

Friday, November 9, 2012

Day Nine: I am thankful for a calm night

After weeks of a hurried life I am very thankful to have a place that is calm, cozy and quiet. A place where dinner is made in the kitchen and not served from a window. A place where the smell of coffee wakes the mornings, books can be read, favorite shows can be shared, wine can be savored and the soul can be re-energize. This is place is my home.

Although tonight my home is the calm, cozy, quite place I described I do not want to lead you into thinking that my home is always this pleasant. There are days when life feels as if it is on fire and my home looks as if it was hit by a tornado or some other natural disaster. But tonight life is calm and I am thankful for this moment of rest.

~from a state of pensiveness....

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 3,4,5,6,7 & 8 - Thankful for forgiveness

In a world of busy schedules, rushed conversations and more things on the "to-do list" than hours in the day I discovered how hard it is was going to be to commit to writing my daily dose of thankfulness. Over the last week my time was consumed with celebrations, professional deadlines and of course healing from the common cold. So on this eighth day of November I find myself being thankful for forgiveness.

Instead of getting overwhelmed, taking it personally that I am somehow flawed because I am imperfect at being a daily blogger with an end result of me discouraging myself from continuing to write; I simply gave myself permission to be forgiven and moved FORWARD.

Forgiveness of others is an act that comes easily to me. I am better at understanding the imperfections of others and giving the gift of forgiveness when necessary. After all we are all human, right?

Having said that, I find it incredibly difficult to forgive myself for not being a perfect human being. Some where along the way I latched onto to the very idea that being perfect wasn't impossible and that if I tried hard enough I could be flawless.
In my mind and heart I believed I could be every body's everything, I could learn to speak the right words, always be kind, be accomplished personally and professionally and all the while being a perfect friend, daughter, sister, and partner.
I discovered quickly in my quest for perfection that no matter how hard I tried I always came up just shy of perfection and I was exhausted! Through my tireless efforts I still managed to run out of time, speak unkind words, I have not accomplish all my personal dreams or professional aspirations, and I have let down the ones that mean the most to me.
Spending a lifetime trying to perfect the art of being perfect I discovered my laundry list of imperfections. But more importantly I have learned to spend less energy trying to be perfect and to just be me. I now know we are all beautifully flawed (including me) and because of that we have been given the gift of forgiveness.

Today, I am thankful that I can not only give forgiveness but that I also receive forgiveness....

~from a state of pensiveness....

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day Two: I am thankful for Quality not Quantity

In this life of more is more I have found that when it comes to friends less is really more. I have been blessed with five people in my life that I consider a best friend.

My first friend was there for me before I even knew she was going to be my best friend. I can remember fighting with her and my mother reminding me that one day I would be thankful to have her not only as a sister but as a friend. I guess my mother turned out to be right because today I couldn't imagine my 30+ years without her by my side.

I am also lucky enough to call the man hugging her one of my best friends. Twelve years ago he hired me into the company I would for now and because he took that chance I not only have my career I have an unbelievable friend. On June 4th my he said I do to my sister and now I get to call him family.

A new and New England friendship to last a lifetime. We became friends at a time in my life when everything was falling apart. I had moved to a new state with my partner and when life burned to ashes I was able to find comfort in a new friend. We met each other as co-workers and seven years later and 2,000 miles apart I am proud to call her one of my best friends in this world.

An unexpected friendship. We were first friends through the relationship I had with my previous partner and somewhere through the years we became actual friends. We first connected over music lyrics but as the years pasted and I learned more about her as an individual was inspired by her character, personality, and intelligence. Although my relationship is no longer I do believe this friendship was the best gift I received.

Lastly, my partner, my friend! Over the last three years I have been lucky enough not only to find love again but to find a person I can count on and call a friend. We laugh together, cry together and we like most of the same TV shows. :) 

I have truly found quality of friendship in a few amazing people...  

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day One: I am thankful....

Each November people on all different kinds of social media sites blog, update states and/or tweet about all the things in life that one is thankful to have. This year I decided to hitch my horse to that wagon and take the time each day in November to list one thing I have been bless with in this life.

November 1, 2012 - I am thankful for being a home based worker.
I have spent this entire week fighting my first cold of the season and in this crazy life of deadlines most of us don't have time to stop working to attend to our health. I am very thankful in these times that I can push through my day to day responsibilities in the comfort of my own home. There are many benefits and reason for me to be thankful that my company allows me to do the career I love from a remote location but today I am specifically thankful because I am ill.

Thank you for this blessing....

What I learned at 35,000 feet...

When I started this blog page in 2012 I was hopeful that I was ready to dive into my discomfort and write to the world. As you can see the "diving in" was really more of an act of dipping my toe into the water followed by running in the opposite direction. It wasn't until I was 35,000 feet in the air reflecting on the past 10 days that I finally found the courage to write about the things I discovered. Some of the lessons were trivial and some I will remember for a lifetime.

1. After months of busy schedules, emotional relationship roller coasters and just life events taking it's toll I was excited to board the plane for my business/pleasure trip to New England. Once I had boarded the plan I knew I had the next few hours of uninterrupted me time and I chose to give my brain a rest and occupy the hours with a little entertainment reading.  My choice of material was the newly released Adele bio and from the pages I learned the surprising fact that the album 21 was in the final stages of being produced before she ever wrote the song "someone like you." It was a last minute add after she received a phone call giving her the news of the one she held in her heart was about to promise his heart to another. Being the music junky that I am I couldn't imagine my song collection without this masterpiece.

2. I learned that 7 years is never to late to make good on a promise with a best friend! A memory I will hold close to my heart for another 7 years and beyond.

3. I learned that with each business trip back to our Home Office campus I am reminded of the little six year old girl whom with bright eyes and a spirit to set her dreams on fire promised her mother that she would one day be a successful business woman. It is in the busy moments of hurried "hellos" and the "I will call you after my meetings" as you quickly brush the elbows of others in the same frantic, hopefully quest to become a "somebody important" that I am reminded of the bright eyed, spirit filled little girl who has now grown up to accomplish so much yet still aspires to be so much more.

4. I have learned that loving yourself, embracing who you are as a person is just as important and needs the same amount of attention as the person you have chosen to give your love too. Yes, we have all seen quotes by the dozen that remind us to make ourselves important but it wasn't until recently that I discovered the truth behind the words. Understanding and ultimately loving the person you are this will provide you the heart, compassion, and strength needed to survive throughout the years, tears and opinions of others.

5. Lastly, I have come to understand that not every little girl born into this world has a Daddy she can count on to be her hero and not every grown woman has a father that she can lean on for support when life proves to her that she doesn't yet know everything. But what I have learned in the quite moments standing by the ocean looking out to the lighthouses as they stand strong in the distance among the crashing waves is that this little girl has a daddy who still tries to be her hero. In their silent moments together he tries to provide her with comfort, encouragement, and love when she doesn't really want to admit "she might not know everything." 

~from a state of pensiveness....
Originally written 9-16-12