Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 3,4,5,6,7 & 8 - Thankful for forgiveness

In a world of busy schedules, rushed conversations and more things on the "to-do list" than hours in the day I discovered how hard it is was going to be to commit to writing my daily dose of thankfulness. Over the last week my time was consumed with celebrations, professional deadlines and of course healing from the common cold. So on this eighth day of November I find myself being thankful for forgiveness.

Instead of getting overwhelmed, taking it personally that I am somehow flawed because I am imperfect at being a daily blogger with an end result of me discouraging myself from continuing to write; I simply gave myself permission to be forgiven and moved FORWARD.

Forgiveness of others is an act that comes easily to me. I am better at understanding the imperfections of others and giving the gift of forgiveness when necessary. After all we are all human, right?

Having said that, I find it incredibly difficult to forgive myself for not being a perfect human being. Some where along the way I latched onto to the very idea that being perfect wasn't impossible and that if I tried hard enough I could be flawless.
In my mind and heart I believed I could be every body's everything, I could learn to speak the right words, always be kind, be accomplished personally and professionally and all the while being a perfect friend, daughter, sister, and partner.
I discovered quickly in my quest for perfection that no matter how hard I tried I always came up just shy of perfection and I was exhausted! Through my tireless efforts I still managed to run out of time, speak unkind words, I have not accomplish all my personal dreams or professional aspirations, and I have let down the ones that mean the most to me.
Spending a lifetime trying to perfect the art of being perfect I discovered my laundry list of imperfections. But more importantly I have learned to spend less energy trying to be perfect and to just be me. I now know we are all beautifully flawed (including me) and because of that we have been given the gift of forgiveness.

Today, I am thankful that I can not only give forgiveness but that I also receive forgiveness....

~from a state of pensiveness....

1 comment:

  1. We seem to speak the same language, I thought about this as well recently. Forgiving myself is what I'm worst at. But thanks for reminding me that sometimes it's ok to fail :)
